mhchem in JJ-Classroom

Learn how to use the mhchem in JJ-Classroom. Start every Chemical expression with \(\ce{ and end with }\).

List of mhchem example expressions and result of the expressions.

To test any example, copy it into the text input field above, start every Chemical expression with \(\ce{ and end with }\)

Note that these expressions also work on the JJ-Classroom's Chat Interface.

Check mhchem source page for a more comprehensive list of examples and explanations.

Example Result
Chemical Equations
CO2 + C -> 2 CO \(\ce{ CO2 + C -> 2 CO }\)
Hg^2+ ->[I-] HgI2 ->[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2- \(\ce{ Hg^2+ ->[I-] HgI2 ->[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2- }\)
Chemical Formulae
H2O \(\ce{ H2O }\)
Sb2O3 \(\ce{ Sb2O3 }\)
H+ \(\ce{ H+ }\)
CrO4^2- \(\ce{ CrO4^2- }\)
[AgCl2]- \(\ce{ [AgCl2]- }\)
Y^99+ \(\ce{ Y^99+ }\)
Stoichiometric Numbers
2 H2O \(\ce{ 2 H2O }\)
0.5 H2O \(\ce{ 0.5 H2O }\)
1/2 H2O \(\ce{ 1/2 H2O }\)
(1/2) H2O \(\ce{ (1/2) H2O }\)
$n$ H2O \(\ce{ $n$ H2O }\)
^{227}_{90}Th+ \(\ce{ ^{227}_{90}Th+ }\)
^0_-1n- \(\ce{ ^0_-1n- }\)
^{0}_{-1}n^{-} \(\ce{ ^{0}_{-1}n^{-} }\)
H^{3}HO \(\ce{ H^{3}HO }\)
Reaction Arrows
A -> B \(\ce{ A -> B }\)
A <- B \(\ce{ A <- B }\)
A <-> B \(\ce{ A <-> B }\)
A <--> B \(\ce{ A <--> B }\)
A <=> B \(\ce{ A <=> B }\)
A <=>> B \(\ce{ A <=>> B }\)
A <<=> B \(\ce{ A <<=> B }\)
A ->[H2O] B \(\ce{ A ->[H2O] B }\)
A ->[{text above}][{text below}] B \(\ce{ A ->[{text above}][{text below}] B }\)
A ->[x][x_i] B \(\ce{ A ->[x][x_i] B }\)
States of Aggregation
H2(aq) \(\ce{ H2(aq) }\)
CO3^2-_{(aq)} \(\ce{ CO3^2-_{(aq)} }\)
NaOH(aq,\infty) \(\ce{ NaOH(aq,\infty) }\)
Crystal Systems
ZnS($c$) \(\ce{ ZnS($c$) }\)
C6H5-CHO \(\ce{ C6H5-CHO }\)
A-B=C#D \(\ce{ A-B=C#D }\)
A\bond{-}B\bond{=}C\bond{#}D \(\ce{ A\bond{-}B\bond{=}C\bond{#}D }\)
A\bond{-}B\bond{=}C\bond{#}D \(\ce{ A\bond{-}B\bond{=}C\bond{#}D }\)
A\bond{~}B\bond{~-}C \(\ce{ A\bond{~}B\bond{~-}C }\)
A\bond{~--}B\bond{~=}C\bond{-~-}D \(\ce{ A\bond{~--}B\bond{~=}C\bond{-~-}D }\)
A\bond{...}B\bond{....}C \(\ce{ A\bond{...}B\bond{....}C }\)
A\bond{->}B\bond{<-}C \(\ce{ A\bond{->}B\bond{<-}C }\)
Addition Compounds
KCr(SO4)2*12H2O \(\ce{ KCr(SO4)2*12H2O }\)
KCr(SO4)2.12H2O \(\ce{ KCr(SO4)2.12H2O }\)
Oxidation States
Fe^{II}Fe^{III}2O4 \(\ce{ Fe^{II}Fe^{III}2O4 }\)
Unpaired Electrons, Radical Dots
OCO^{.-} \(\ce{ OCO^{.-} }\)
NO^{(2.)-} \(\ce{ NO^{(2.)-} }\)
Kroger-Vink Notations
Li^x_{Li,1-2x}Mg^._{Li,x}$V$'_{Li,x}Cl^x_{Cl} \(\ce{ Li^x_{Li,1-2x}Mg^._{Li,x}$V$'_{Li,x}Cl^x_{Cl} }\)
O''_{i,x} \(\ce{ O''_{i,x} }\)
M^{..}_i \(\ce{ M^{..}_i }\)
$V$^{4'}_{Ti} \(\ce{ $V$^{4'}_{Ti} }\)
V_{V,1}C_{C,0.8}$V$_{C,0.2} \(\ce{ V_{V,1}C_{C,0.8}$V$_{C,0.2} }\)
Equation Operators
A + B \(\ce{ A + B }\)
A - B \(\ce{ A - B }\)
A = B \(\ce{ A = B }\)
A \pm B \(\ce{ A \pm B }\)
Precipitate and Gas
SO4^2- + Ba^2+ -> BaSO4 v \(\ce{ SO4^2- + Ba^2+ -> BaSO4 v }\)
A v B (v) -> B ^ B (^) \(\ce{ A v B (v) -> B ^ B (^) }\)
Other Symbols and Shortcuts
NO^* \(\ce{ NO^* }\)
1s^2-N \(\ce{ 1s^2-N }\)
n-Pr \(\ce{ n-Pr }\)
iPr \(\ce{ iPr }\)
A, B, C; F \(\ce{ A, B, C; F }\)
Complex Examples
Zn^2+ <=>[+ 2OH-][+ 2H+] $\underset{\text{amphoteres Hydroxid}}{\ce{Zn(OH)2 v}}$ <=>[+ 2OH-][+ 2H+] $\underset{\text{Hydroxozikat}}{\ce{[Zn(OH)4]^2-}}$ \(\ce{ Zn^2+ <=>[+ 2OH-][+ 2H+] $\underset{\text{amphoteres Hydroxid}}{\ce{Zn(OH)2 v}}$ <=>[+ 2OH-][+ 2H+] $\underset{\text{Hydroxozikat}}{\ce{[Zn(OH)4]^2-}}$ }\)
$K = \frac{[\ce{Hg^2+}][\ce{Hg}]}{[\ce{Hg2^2+}]}$ \(\ce{ $K = \frac{[\ce{Hg^2+}][\ce{Hg}]}{[\ce{Hg2^2+}]}$ }\)
$K = \ce{\frac{[Hg^2+][Hg]}{[Hg2^2+]}}$ \(\ce{ $K = \ce{\frac{[Hg^2+][Hg]}{[Hg2^2+]}}$ }\)
Hg^2+ ->[I-] $\underset{\mathrm{red}}{\ce{HgI2}}$ ->[I-] $\underset{\mathrm{red}}{\ce{[Hg^{II}I4]^2-}}$ \(\ce{ Hg^2+ ->[I-] $\underset{\mathrm{red}}{\ce{HgI2}}$ ->[I-] $\underset{\mathrm{red}}{\ce{[Hg^{II}I4]^2-}}$ }\)
Physical Units
123 kJ \(\ce{ 123 kJ }\)
123 mm2 \(\ce{ 123 mm2 }\)
123 J s \(\ce{ 123 J s }\)
123 J*s \(\ce{ 123 J*s }\)
123 kJ/mol \(\ce{ 123 kJ/mol }\)
123 kJ//mol \(\ce{ 123 kJ//mol }\)
123 kJ mol-1 \(\ce{ 123 kJ mol-1 }\)
123 kJ*mol-1 \(\ce{ 123 kJ*mol-1 }\)
1.2e3 kJ \(\ce{ 1.2e3 kJ }\)
1,2e3 kJ \(\ce{ 1,2e3 kJ }\)
1.2E3 kJ \(\ce{ 1.2E3 kJ }\)
1,2E3 kJ \(\ce{ 1,2E3 kJ }\)

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SRP Demo: Secondary Sch, Primary Sch
